About Us

Controlicz is the gateway between Google Home and Amazon's Alexa services and Domoticz Home Automation.
This allows the safety of a local system with the comfort of controlling it via voice commands. Effectively giving voice to your Domoticz Home Automation system.
Simply create an account with us, subscribe, then setup your voice assistants via their respective Controlicz app or skill and you are ready to go.
Subscription to Controlicz is simply £2/month - and grants you full access to all the Smart Home services we offer
Follow @Controlicz
Read our FAQ for detailed instruction.
Product Features

Cross Platform
Controlicz is available on Alexa and Google Home. Therefore, any device that supports Alexa or Google Home/Assistant, should be able to control your Domoticz Home Automation System.
Controlicz enforces use of SSL and communicates only via HTTPS (or using NGROK) ensuring that data transfer between Controlicz server and your Domoticz system is encrypted and secure.
Using a combination of Room Plans and Custom Users, users are able to expose only those devices that they want to be controlled via voice.
Made For Domoticz
Instead of trying to support multiple home automation platforms, Controlicz was designed from the ground up focusing only one home automation system, Domoticz.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the commonly asked questions and answers for you.
1. Subscriptions
When you sign up, you are able to discover your devices in the Controlicz website and Google/Alexa and test your connectivity. To control your devices on your Google Home or Alexa, please subscribe to either a monthly or annual subscription
2. HTTPS/SSL Support
For the security of your Home Automation system, Controlicz requires that you setup SSL on your Domoticz installation. Please follow the steps provided in this link Then forward your SSL port on your router (e.g 443 locally to 443 remotely)
3. Setup Users, Room Plans & control names for Alexa/Google
- Create a User (user rights: User), enabling the Scenes tab. Add the devices you want to control (Set Devices).
- Create a Room Plan, and add the devices you want to the Room Plan.
- If Alexa or Google are not recognising the device names, or you want alternatives, you can create new ones. Friendly Names can be set within Domoticz, via the Description field of the device. Simply add Google_Name: or Alexa_Name: then the name you want
4. Assign Device Types
We know that Domoticz controls many types of devices. We at Controlicz want you to have full control over this, so for each of your devices, you can provide a specific type of device: Light/Switch/Outlet/Fan/Thermostat/TempSensor/Security/Lock/Sensor/Battery/Selector/Blinds/Vacuum/Dispense/Speaker.
Simply put TypeControl: Light in the device description field and sync/discover your devices and Controlicz will treat the device accordingly
5. Setup your voice assistant (Alexa / Google Home and Google Assistant)
From here it is a simple process. All you have to do is open the apps for your Voice Assistant (Alexa and Google Home/Assistant) and then add Controlicz as a Smart Home app. For Alexa, it will come under the Skills section. For Google, Explore > search for Controlicz.
6. Alexa Routines - Sensors and Google doorbells
In Domoticz – under Settings>Notifications:
For http - Put the URL: https://www.controlicz.com/notify/controliczID - for controliczID check your Controlicz profile – it will be something like 5b55b8e423e11e23de4f454d5
(e.g https://www.controlicz.com/notify/5b55b8e423e11e23de4f454d5)
In the POST data box put: message=#MESSAGE and ensure Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
For Alexa - in your sensor – under notifications put: A|idx|$value|Motion or Contact as appropriate – eg. A|123|$value|Motion , and enable the http toggle (disable the rest)
For Google doorbells - under notifications put: G|idx|$value – eg. G|123|$value , and enable the http toggle (disable the rest)
You will need to disable/enable Controlicz skill in your alexa app (this is a one time thing to create a new type of token).
Then in your Alexa app, under Routines, add new Routine “When this happens” under Device you should now see your sensors
For Google, sync your devices, then select the new doorbell device, enable notifications and make sure it's in your Google 'Home'
7. Using NGINX or NGROK?
NGINX: Just enter your hostname as: hostname/folder (e.g hostname.com/domoticz), and the port number as 9999
NGROK: Enter the port as 10001, and you can simply use NGROK to secure your connection to your Domoticz instance!
8. Google Selector Switches + Vacuums
- Selector Switches are now supported by Controlicz
- syntax is "Hey Google set the <\devicename> to <\level>"
9. Google Home - Scenes
Tap on the "Account" option on the bottom right of the home screen > then select "Settings" > Assistant> and then select "Home Control".
Product Release Notes
March 2021
- Doorbells with push notifications are now available in Google
Add TypeControl: Doorbell to your doorbell device description field in Domoticz, and you'll be able to receive push notifications. Read the FAQs for detailed instructions
November 2020
- Water Meters now available in Google Home
Add TypeControl: Dispense to your water meter's description field in Domoticz, and you will be able to query it in Google.
Simply say "Hey Google how much water is remaining in my DeviceName?
March 2020
- Major Google Discovery update:
We know you want more control over how your devices behave - so you can now set a specific type of device: Light/Switch/Outlet/Fan/Thermostat/TempSensor/Security/Lock/Sensor/Battery/Selector/Blinds/Vacuum.
Simply put TypeControl: Light in the device description field and sync/discover your devices and Controlicz will treat the device accordingly
- Vacuums are now natively supported in Google Home. Sync your devices and get cleaning!
- Temperature Sensors can now be queried in Google Home
- Battery devices can now be queried in Google Home
October 2019
- Selector switches are now supported in Alexa for English, French, German, Italian and Spanish!
- Selector switches are now fully supported in Google for all languages - Hey Google, set 'selectorswitch' to 'level'
September 2019
- Sensors have come to Google Home! You can now query Motion, Contact and Temperature sensors in Google Home
- Security is critical to any Smart Home - you can now interact with the Domoticz Security Panel, and arm/disarm your security with your Google Home
- Locks can now also be controlled and queried with your Google Home - using two-factor authentication controlled by your Domoticz Security Panel!
Privacy Policy
Controlicz respects your online privacy. We are fully committed to safeguarding your privacy and security whilst using Controlicz.
Controlicz uses log files for general maintenance, and for feature creation.
Your data is protected, all stored data is encrypted, and communications between Google and Amazon are handled by tokens.
Interactions between your Domoticz and Controlicz are via https, but are subject to you maintaining an SSL cert. Controlicz does not own or govern that for you.
We do not pass on, or sell your personal information to any third party. This site uses a cookie to handle your session
Payments are handled by Paypal, no card data is stored by Controlicz
Controlicz respektiert Ihre Online-Privatsphäre. Wir verpflichten uns, Ihre Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei der Verwendung von Controlicz zu schützen.
Controlicz verwendet Protokolldateien für die allgemeine Wartung und für die Erstellung von Funktionen.
Ihre Daten sind geschützt, alle gespeicherten Daten sind verschlüsselt und die Kommunikation zwischen Google und Amazon erfolgt über Token.
Interaktionen zwischen Domoticz und Controlicz erfolgen über https, unterliegen jedoch der Pflege eines SSL-Zertifikats. Controlicz besitzt oder regelt das nicht für Sie.
Wir geben Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht an Dritte weiter oder verkaufen sie an Dritte. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies
Zahlungen werden über Paypal abgewickelt, es werden keine Kartendaten von Controlicz gespeichert
Controlicz respecte votre vie privée en ligne. Nous nous engageons à protéger votre vie privée et votre sécurité tout en utilisant Controlicz.
Controlicz utilise des fichiers journaux pour la maintenance générale et la création de fonctionnalités.
Vos données sont protégées, toutes les données stockées sont cryptées et les communications entre Google et Amazon sont traitées par des jetons.
Les interactions entre votre Domoticz et Controlicz se font via https, mais vous devez conserver un certificat SSL. Controlicz ne possède pas ou ne gouverne pas cela pour vous.
Nous ne transmettons ni ne vendons vos informations personnelles à des tiers. Ce site utilise des cookies pour votre session
Les paiements sont gérés par Paypal, aucune donnée de carte n'est stockée par Controlicz
Controlicz respecteert uw online privacy. We zijn volledig toegewijd aan het beschermen van uw privacy en veiligheid tijdens het gebruik van Controlicz.
Controlicz gebruikt logbestanden voor algemeen onderhoud en voor het maken van functies
Uw gegevens worden beschermd, alle opgeslagen gegevens worden gecodeerd en de communicatie tussen Google en Amazon wordt afgehandeld door tokens.
De interacties tussen uw Domoticz en Controlicz zijn via https, maar zijn onderhevig aan uw behoud van een SSL cert. Controlicz bezit dat niet of regeert dat niet voor u.
We geven uw persoonlijke gegevens niet door aan of verkopen deze niet aan derden. Deze site gebruikt een cookie om uw sessie af te handelen
Betalingen worden afgehandeld door Paypal, er worden geen kaartgegevens opgeslagen door Controlicz
Controlicz respekterer dit online privatliv. Vi er fuldt forpligtet til at beskytte dit privatliv og sikkerhed, mens du bruger Controlicz.
Controlicz bruger logfiler til generel vedligeholdelse og til oprettelse af funktioner.
Dine data er beskyttet, alle lagrede data krypteres, og kommunikationen mellem Google og Amazon håndteres af tokens.
Interaktioner mellem din Domoticz og Controlicz er via https, men er underlagt dig at opretholde en SSL cert. Controlicz ejer ikke eller styrer det for dig.
Vi videresender ikke eller sælger dine personlige oplysninger til tredjepart. Dette websted bruger en cookie til at håndtere din session
Betalinger håndteres af Paypal, ingen kortdata gemmes af Controlicz
Controlicz rispetta la tua privacy online. Siamo pienamente impegnati a salvaguardare la tua privacy e sicurezza durante l'utilizzo di Controlicz.
Controlicz utilizza i file di registro per la manutenzione generale e per la creazione delle funzionalità.
I tuoi dati sono protetti, tutti i dati archiviati sono crittografati e le comunicazioni tra Google e Amazon sono gestite da token.
Le interazioni tra Domoticz e Controlicz avvengono tramite https, ma sono soggette al mantenimento di un certificato SSL. Controlicz non possiede o governa questo per te.
Non trasmettiamo o vendiamo le vostre informazioni personali a terzi. Questo sito utilizza un cookie per gestire la tua sessione
I pagamenti sono gestiti da Paypal, i dati della carta non vengono memorizzati da Controlicz
Controlicz respekterer ditt privatliv på Internett. Vi er fullt forpliktet til å beskytte ditt privatliv og sikkerhet mens du bruker Controlicz.
Controlicz bruker loggfiler for generelt vedlikehold, og for opprettelse av funksjoner.
Dine data er beskyttet, alle lagrede data er kryptert, og kommunikasjon mellom Google og Amazon håndteres av tokens.
Interaksjoner mellom Domoticz og Controlicz er via https, men er underlagt deg å opprettholde et SSL-cert. Controlicz eier ikke eller styrer det for deg.
Vi overfører ikke eller selger din personlige informasjon til tredjepart. Dette nettstedet bruker en informasjonskapsel for å håndtere økten din
Betalinger håndteres av Paypal, ingen kortdata lagres av Controlicz
Controlicz respekterar din privatliv på Internet. Vi är fullt engagerade för att skydda din integritet och säkerhet samtidigt som du använder Controlicz.
Controlicz använder loggfiler för generellt underhåll och för skapande av funktioner.
Dina data är skyddade, alla lagrade data krypteras och kommunikation mellan Google och Amazon hanteras av tokens.
Interaktioner mellan din Domoticz och Controlicz är via https, men är föremål för att du behåller en SSL-cert. Controlicz äger inte eller reglerar det för dig.
Vi vidarebefordrar inte eller säljer din personliga information till någon tredje part. Den här webbplatsen använder en cookie för att hantera din session
Betalningar hanteras av Paypal, ingen kortdata lagras av Controlicz
A Controlicz respeita sua privacidade online. Estamos totalmente comprometidos em proteger sua privacidade e segurança ao usar o Controlicz.
O Controlicz usa arquivos de log para manutenção geral e para criação de recursos.
Seus dados estão protegidos, todos os dados armazenados são criptografados e as comunicações entre o Google e a Amazon são tratadas por tokens.
Interações entre o seu Domoticz e Controlicz são via https, mas estão sujeitos a você manter um certificado SSL. A Controlicz não possui ou governa isso para você.
Nós não transmitimos nem vendemos suas informações pessoais a terceiros. Este site usa um cookie para lidar com sua sessão
Os pagamentos são feitos pelo Paypal, nenhum dado do cartão é armazenado pela Controlicz
Controlicz respeta su privacidad en línea. Estamos totalmente comprometidos a salvaguardar su privacidad y seguridad mientras usamos Controlicz
Controlicz utiliza archivos de registro para el mantenimiento general y para la creación de características.
Sus datos están protegidos, todos los datos almacenados están encriptados y las comunicaciones entre Google y Amazon se manejan mediante tokens.
Las interacciones entre su Domoticz y Controlicz se realizan a través de https, pero están sujetas a que usted mantenga un certificado SSL. Controlicz no posee ni gobierna eso por ti
No transmitimos ni vendemos su información personal a terceros. Este sitio utiliza una cookie para manejar su sesión.
Los pagos son manejados por Paypal, los datos de la tarjeta no son almacenados por Controlicz
£0 month
- Access to your devices on the Controlicz site
- Devices are discoverable with Alexa & Google Home
Full Access
£2 month
£20 year
- Access to your devices on the Controlicz site
- Devices are discoverable with Alexa & Google Home
- Devices are controllable and queryable with Alexa and Google Home